Angela Ahola

Your Hidden Motives

Roos & Tegner, 2020

What gives power its teeth? Why do we cheat, or speed-bump our lives with bad relationships? And why are we all hooked on our phones?

Three primal human forces have propelled humankind into the space age, but are also wreaking havoc in our personal, social, and professional lives. Dr. Angela Ahola has written an astounding new guidebook that teaches you how to recognize, evaluate, and even harness Your Hidden Motives.

Backed up by extensive scientific research, Your Hidden Motives will turn your understanding of yourself, your relationships, and the persuasive psychological forces that society is grappling with on its head – opening not only your eyes, but possibly even your hands and heart. You will learn all about why we want what we want, whether that will help make us happy or not, and which needs we may be neglecting. And then Angela equips you with a pragmatic new toolkit, setting your life-improvement goals within reach!

Millions of years of evolution can’t just be shut off overnight, but we can learn to understand the secretive mechanics within ourselves very quickly with Your Hidden Motives. Follow along as Dr. Ahola cuts directly to the very heart of the human condition, and then makes you captain of your own ship.

To be (or is) published in China, Russia, Korea. Taiwan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Sweden. This book is currently not available in English. You are more than welcome to order the Swedish copy here. 

kr 155

  • ISBN: 9789188953711
  • Dimensions: 21,5 x 14 cm
  • Length: 223 pages
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The first book I’ve read in a long time that’s actually helped me in my everyday life. A book I needed to read.
It brought out sides in me that I didn’t know I had.

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